We can all help protect Oregon’s fish and Wildlife
Thank you for visiting Protect Oregon’s Wildlife anti-poaching website!
You’ve taken a very important first step in helping to protect Oregon’s wildlife! Poaching is a critical issue affecting the health and sustainability of our state’s fish and wildlife populations. It’s up to all of us to ensure that future generations experience Oregon’s fish and wildlife.
The mission of Protect Oregon’s Wildlife – Turn In Poachers – a collaboration between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), the Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife (OSP F&W) and the Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) with the support of members of the conservation, recreation and business community – is to conduct anti-poaching education efforts and promote incentives that will inspire Oregonians to report the illegal killing of birds, wildlife and fish. Future generations deserve to experience Oregon’s fish and wildlife.
Oregon partners with Oregon State Police to enforce crimes against fish, wildlife, and habitat destruction. The states of Oregon and Alaska are the only two in the country that work with their state police rather than having their own game wardens. In 2019, the Oregon Legislature approved funding to increase anti-poaching efforts across the state, including adding Oregon State Police troopers and a sergeant to increase enforcement.
You can hear more about how OSP Fish and Wildlife Division works to protect Oregon’s natural resources through a recent Beaver State podcast on poaching: https://myodfw.com/articles/beaver-state-podcast-episode-41-poaching
4,250+ aquatic species were illegally taken from Oregon’s waterfronts in 2022
150+ Oregon birds were illegally killed last year
Poachers illegally killed over 300 big game animals last year
Poaching is an ongoing issue in Oregon
When people think of poaching, they think of species like elephants and tigers. Tragically, Oregon’s fish and wildlife have entered the wildlife parts trafficking global markets. And local bad actors in Oregon continue to illegally kill native fish and wildlife for the thrill of the kill, leaving the animals to waste.
OSP F&W Troopers recover about 150 deer, 130 elk, 20 bears and 10 or more sturgeon killed illegally each year.
Visit the Impact page to learn more about the effects of poaching on Oregon’s fish and wildlife, environment and communities.
Current Regulations
Not every instance of poaching is intentional. In order to avoid accidentally breaking the rules, Protect Oregon’s Wildlife encourages all individuals hunting or fishing to always carry the latest regulation book with you when hunting or fishing.
Find links to the current game bird, fishing and hunting regulations, as well as in-season regulation updates on the ODFW website or pick up a physical copy at a local ODFW license agent.
Ways to report
Any tip and help can be anonymous
TIP line
The quickest and easiest way to report a tip is to call 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (*677) from a mobile phone.
Submit a tip via our online form to help us stop poaching.
Email: TIP@osp.oregon.gov
Between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday.
Recent News
Efforts by the ODFW, OSP F&W and DOJ and local communities across Oregon to stop poaching have been in the news lately as poaching becomes a more serious problem.
OSP F&W have estimated that nearly 5,000 wild animals were poached in Oregon last year. Although most were ocean-based species, such as pink shrimp and clams and crabs, many were land-based mammals such as deer and elk or birds such as turkey and quail. Additionally, many were raptors, which are unlawful to hunt and were likely illegally killed.